absorbent carbon — activated carbon, granular carbon used to purify fluids and gases by adsorption … English contemporary dictionary
Carbon — (), but as most compounds with multiple single bonded oxygens on a single carbon it is unstable.] Cyanide (CN–), has a similar structure, but behaves much like a halide ion (pseudohalogen). For example it can form the nitride cyanogen molecule… … Wikipedia
Carbon black — is a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, ethylene cracking tar, and a small amount from vegetable oil. Carbon black is a form of amorphous carbon that has a high surface area to… … Wikipedia
absorbent — 1. Having the power to absorb, soak up, or take into itself a gas, liquid, light rays, or heat. SYN: absorptive, bibulous. 2. Any substance possessing such power. 3. Material (usually … Medical dictionary
Radar absorbent material — Radar absorbent material, or RAM, is a class of materials used in stealth technology to disguise a vehicle or structure from radar detection. A material s absorbency at a given frequency of radar wave depends upon its composition. RAM cannot… … Wikipedia
Orbiting Carbon Observatory — Le satellite Orbiting Carbon Observatory à Vandenberg … Wikipédia en Français
activated carbon — noun A very absorbent form of finely powdered carbon; used in purifying gases, and as an antidote for many poisons. Syn: activated charcoal … Wiktionary
activated carbon — /ˌæktəveɪtəd ˈkabən/ (say .aktuhvaytuhd kahbuhn) noun granulated charcoal heated to 800°–1000°C in a current of steam to remove hydrocarbons; highly absorbent of gases and vapours because of its enormous surface area; used in solvent recovery,… …
Composting toilet — Public composting toilet facility on E6 highway in Sweden A composting toilet is a dry toilet that using a predominantly aerobic processing system that treats excreta, typically with no water or small volumes of flush water, via composting or… … Wikipedia
activatedcharcoal — ac·ti·vat·ed charcoal (ăkʹtə vā tĭd) n. Highly absorbent carbon obtained by heating granulated charcoal to exhaust contained gases, resulting in a highly porous form with a very large surface area. It is used primarily for purifying gases by… … Universalium
Rebreather — A fully closed circuit electronic rebreather (Ambient Pressure Diving Inspiration) Acronym CCUBA (Closed Circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus); CCR (Closed circuit rebreather), SCR (Semi closed rebreather) Uses Breathing set … Wikipedia